1 thought on “The Thinklings Podcast – Summer 10 – Episode 147 – Tolkien and Patience”

  1. this was recommended to me by a friend. It was a blessing to have more encouragement from a different perspective I have been dealing with the effects of a pretty severe stroke about 2 and a half years ago i have no use of my left arm at all . i can walk with a special cane for short distances and have at times been very depressed and angry at my inability to do anything i’m just getting to a place where now i’m able to thank God for this trial and am seeking other ways to serve him in the situation that He has placed me in . of course i would love to be completely healed but I’m finally able to accept that that may never happen. a book titled suffering well started me on this journey and your podcast is another good piece of my healing. thank you for your willingness to teach hard things to hear but opening my heart to understand more of the workings of God to conform me to the image of His Son. God bless you all!!

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