2 thoughts on “Episode 016 – A Thanksgivlings Special!!!”

  1. Hey, Thinklings! I appreciated the conversation. I just wanted to add something that may be helpful to the discussion. You talked about thankfulness and how that is a characteristic of a Christian. I just wanted to ask a question that the answer was implied in your discussion but could still be helpful: how does a Christian grow in the fruit of the Spirit? Or how does a Christian grow in having a heart overflowing with joyful thanks to God? One of the things I appreciate about the podcast is that you always encourage the listener to go read and study God’s word. Galations 3:2 says, “did you receive the spirit by the works of the law or by hearing with faith?” I think this is a helpful verse for understanding how to cultivate thankfulness because it shows how the Spirit works powerfully in a personal. There must be faith and hearing, which naturally go together because the word and the Spirit work together to create and sustain faith (John 4:13-14,Rom 10:17, Eph 5:17-21) . Anyway, a lot more can be said on this topic and I would enjoy hearing your thoughts on this topic.

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