The Thinklings Podcast – Summer 5 – Public Library, Poetry, and Romans 1

Welcome to Episode 195 of the Thinklings Podcast!

A quick heads up: there is a moment or two in the episode where you will experience some feedback. We did not realize this was happening until after the fact, and a few portions were unavoidable in the editing process. Thank you for your patience in enduring these as you listen. We hope they will be few and short!

We hope your summer is going super well and you’re reading tons of great books and discussing them with your friends!

This was the first episode we recorded after Thinklings Stearns’ wedding! The front end involves a good bit of catching up. There are a handful of fun stories and tidbits before we get to Books & Business!

For Books & Business, Thinkling Little discusses To Be a Jew Today by Noah Feldman (a title he picked up at the public library!), Thinklings Stearns reflects on a recent blog and shares a couple more C.S. Lewis quotes, and Thinkling Carter reads a poem he wrote around and for Andy’s wedding!

Thinkling Stearns wraps up the episode with a final meditation on Romans 1!

Main Topics in Episode 195:

  • Books & Business
  • Brickhouse Coffee Co.
  • An Experiment in Criticism – C.S. Lewis
  • To Be a Jew Today – Noah Feldman
  • Romans 1

Final Meditation:

Thinkling Stearns shares a final meditation from Romans 1.