The Thinklings Podcast – 232 – TALQ 5

Welcome to Episode 232 of The Thinklings Podcast!

This is a TALQ episode, where we answer listeners’ questions! Some of these questions were emailed in and some were submitted by Thinkling Stearns & Thinkling Carter’s Christian Experience students.

Thanks for listening to this week’s episode!

Books & Business

  • StearnsDeacons
  • LittleThe Destruction of Christianity
  • BoydFrederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom
  • CarterBrothers Karamazov

Main Content

Here are a list of the questions we interact with on this episode:

  • Is it helpful and edifying for Christians to be involved in sports? – 19:02
  • What is the best way to protect sexual purity? – 26:39
  • Why is drinking alcohol, typically, looked down upon in Christian circles? – 29:31
  • Do we as Christians believe that places can be haunted/how would we define haunted? – 35:43
  • If the High Priest wore a hat in the Holy of Holies, why is it wrong to wear a hat in the church? – 41:38
  • If I sometimes doubt the Bible and the existence of God, does this make me an unbeliever? – 45:02
  • What does the Bible teach about free will, and how do we reconcile that with the doctrine of “irresistible grace?” – 47:15
  • Speed RUN – a few questions about prayer! – 52:45
  • How do I focus on others rather than myself and my own feelings? – 56:06
  • Can you be friends with Christians who are continually rebelling? – 57:42

Final Meditation

Since many of our questions interact with Scripture, there is no final meditation.

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