About the Podcast
Who are "The Thinklings"?
The podcast has 3 main contributors: Charlie Carter, Tim Little, and Andy Stearns. You can learn more about each of us on our About Us page!
We’re a group of guys who love books and discipleship. We each have a unique history in our walk of faith and of how we came to know and love each other! We have had a number of other guests on the podcast who share our love of “Good Books, Good Thoughts, and Good Conversations.”

Why The Name Thinklings?

This group, “The Thinklings,” is a bit of wordplay. If you’re familiar with C.S. Lewis or J.R.R. Tolkien, these two men and their friends (Owen Barfield and Charles Williams for example) were part of a group referred to as “The Inklings.” This Group was dedicated to reading great books/writing and stimulating each other to write themselves.
Our group is intended to be modeled after The Inklings. We want to read good books, discuss them, and – someday – write!
What Ties Us Together?
The main tie that binds us all together is Christ! You can listen to our “Pilot” episode to hear more about how we all learned of Christ and came to trust him.
Thankfully, God brought us all together at a Bible college where we all now work!
We all mutually love good books, biblical languages, and communicating the Word of God to others so that we can all grow to be more like Jesus Christ.
As we discussed these ideas with each other, we all were reminded of the importance of “the mind” to the Christian believer. Motivated out of helping our students and honoring Christ, we started a podcast to capture this burden for students, friends, churches, and family members.

Why A Podcast?
The three of us had been meeting for a few years prior to any recording. One day, we realized that the conversation we were having in our offices, over lunch or having coffee, would be valuable for students. A time or two we had students attend our meetings with us to partake in the conversation. Eventually, we all agreed that recording these meetings and making them available would provide a great starting place for others (students, pastors, etc.) to begin thinking through good books.
Our goal in recording our podcasts is not to provide a seamless audio masterpiece – although we hope the audio quality has improved overtime! We want the listener to feel like they are sitting at the table with us and be motivated to have meetings like ours.
We desire that our podcast is the tilling of the soil that gets others to read good books, have good thoughts, and talk about them with their friends!
How can you be involved?
- Subscribe to the podcast and tune in each week
- Follow us on social media
- Email us with any thoughts, questions, or your own Books & Business!